Use Your Health Insurance on a Dimensions Retreat
You may be eligible for certain treatments on your health benefits plan
Private health benefits plans typically cover psychotherapy and massage therapy, by registered professionals—as well as some other healing wellness modalities—as claimable benefits. So, you may be eligible, through your health insurance, employee benefit program or health care spending plan, for reimbursement of portions of your Dimensions’ retreat.
The cost of Wellness and ASCEND retreat rates at Dimensions Algonquin Highlands’ span $500 to $1,250 per night. As of April 1, 2024, guests with insurable health benefits may choose to reduce the cost by filing a reimbursement claim with their insurance provider. On longer (4-day) retreats, guest receipts for health services rendered may amount to around $1,000, for eligible treatments received throughout their stay at Dimensions.
Programmed healing modalities conducted during a four-night ASCEND Retreat range from individual and group psychotherapy to somatic-release sessions to bodywork therapies, such as massage and acupuncture. What your health insurance covers will depend on the terms of your insurance provider, the duration of your stay, and the wellness choices you make. If you are planning to claim reimbursements, we recommend you contact your provider, before your stay, to verify what your plan covers.
The following therapeutic treatments are among the standard services to be claimed by a guest and authorised by their employee health benefits program while on an ASCEND Retreat:
As of April 1, 2024, receipts for the cost of all registered treatments and therapies delivered will be issued upon request, at time of check-out. Redemption of receipts is the responsibility of each guest—direct billing is not available. Dimensions does not have direct billing arrangements with any insurance providers beyond Blue Cross, which exclusively services our Veterans and RCMP Communities. ASCEND and Wellness guests are advised to check with their insurance provider or health benefits program to clarify the terms of their coverage.